Concerned with the preservation of aquatic fauna, Afric Azote has set up a system for the reclamation of co-products (waste) from the processing and packaging of fish products. To this end, Afric Azote has invested heavily in the recovery of fish oil, which used to be discharged into the sea, by equipping itself with a Tricanteur (3-phase separator), and also to serve the local market for the fish meal it produces.

Since its creation, Afric Azote has chosen to devote itself to the use of co-products and/or fish waste as a raw material in a strategy of sustainable development.

Co-products are the unused parts that can be recovered during traditional processing operations. Head, tail, viscera, skin, gills, bones, black flesh, roe and liver, filleting offcuts and any product that has not been processed or has only been partially processed by the units constitute the main fish co-products that are not consumed conventionally, but are recoverable and usable after processing.

Co-products contain proteins with high nutritional value, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, peptides, as well as essential fatty acids (EPA and DHA) beneficial to the body. Increasing the added value of co-products is an interesting way of ensuring sustainable fishing and improving the profitability of the sector's activities by enhancing the value of catches.